BZB no. 30 - With or without Union. Polish environmental NGOs'attitude towards European integration

ASEED- Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development

CCB- Coalition Clean Baltic

CEE - Central and Eastern Europe

CEECs - Central and Eastern European Countries

CFCs- Chlorofluorocarbons

CM - Council of Ministers

DCDE - Dutch Coalition for a Different Europe

DG - Directorate General

EAP - Environmental Action Plan

EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

EC - European Commission

ECOs- Ecological Organisations

ECSC - European Coal and Steel Community

EEA- European Environmental Agency

EEB - European Environmental Bureau

EEC - European Economic Community

ENGOs - Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations

EP - European Parliament

EU - European Union

Euroatom - European Atomic Energy Community

FZ - Federacja Zielonych (Green Federation)

IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency

InE - Instytut na Rzecz Ekorozwoju (Institute for Sustainable Development)

IPPC - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control

KIE - Komitet Integracji Europejskiej (Committee for European Integration)

LOP - Liga Ochrony Przyrody (League for Nature Protection)

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NEP - National Environmental Policy

NGOs - Non-Governmental Organisations

OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OTOP- Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków (Polish Society for the Protection of Birds)

PBS - Pracownia Badań Społecznych (Social Survey Agency)

PKE - Polski Klub Ekologiczny (Polish Ecological Club)

SEA - Single European Act

SGEP - Socialist Group in the European Parliament

TENs - Trans-European Networks

WWF - World Wide Fund

BZB no. 30 - With or without Union. Polish environmental NGOs'attitude towards European integration | Table of contents