GB No. 1, autumn 1989


A city is a place in nature where the density of one species - human being is exceptional. A man creates city changing nature to adapt this place to his needs and to make it convenient for many people living close to one another. Some of them seeking to grasp power or gain profit cause that the evolution of the city becomes unbearable for nature. Yet the nature, flooded with concrete, covered with waste, poisoned by gasses and dusts will not die without us. We are the part of nature but unfortunately many people do not understand it and cannot see the approaching dimax. Kraków has become such a place: it has exceeded the ecological capacity of the region, its increase in number of inhabitants should be stopped and its development should be controlled.

We would be glad to hear a discussion about the Zone of Special Economy if the idea of the zone were a sign of conscious thinking about decentralized society in which the authorities are close to people they represent. We would welcome this "special economy" (with delight) if it led to the development of our region based on the local resources and on harmonious introducing the economy into the bioregion and into the local cultural traditions. Therefore we cannot accept the projects of the Zone of Special Economy Kraków (ZSEK) and the Duty Free Area Kraków (DFAK) and the plans of their future development until Cracovians will have obtained satisfying answers for the following questions:

  1. Why was and still is the project of ZSEK concealed from Cracovians although the decisions, that determine their life in the coming tens of years, are taken?
  2. Why was the resolution of People's City Council concerning the initial projects of ZSEK and DFAK was passed against the rules of democracy like in the period of Stalinism? (The councillors were forced to vote immediately without acquainting themselves with the texts of projects.)
  3. Why are the oasis of capitalism to be int- roduced and controlled by the same people who have disregarded the rules of capitalism for the last 45 years and brought the city to the present miserable state?
  4. Why are the greatest state political monopols like Town Office, Iglopol (food production), foreign trade centrals and Lenin's Steelworks to be the main shareholders in the area where free market will rule.
  5. Why are not the projects of Kraków's deve lopment subordinated to the demands of the especially protected area? (Kraków has been admited to be such area about a year ago.) Reduced bank rates for the high-tech and low emission industry do not stimulate its development because the heavy industry pays reduced taxes and is still subsidised. The fines for exceeding the norms of emission do not help because the biggest polluters do not pay them or charge this expences to clients rising prises of their products.(It is possible because demand is much bigger than supply.)
  6. Why was the economic structure of our region to be changed by new investments and not by using the area already build over and already existing but harmful or needless infrastructure (e.g. factories of heavy industry, military areas etc.) Nothing new should be added to the city that cannot brave any more. One could only change the elements for the new ones or liquidate some of them.
  7. Why does the economic plan forsee that the City Office shall take over the private grounds to sell them for dollars later? Mafia is engaged in this business in New York. The owners of tanement-houses in the Old Town in Kraków are pressed to give their property to state.
  8. By what right will free market to decide about the fate of grounds and monuments which belongs to the Unesco's List of World Heritage? How much money will be enough to lay in ruins Sukiennice (famous relic of 16th century in the middle the Main Market) and build a supermarket in this place?
  9. Why do the projects forsee breaking the lately passed law (act) about the land planning? Why will Cracovians be deprived of their right to decide about the future of their city?
  10. Why the Polish law (in particular the Law of Labour and the Environmental Protection Act) is to be suspended in the duty-free area? What will protect the citizens from corruption and misuse of power then?
  11. Why cannot the Old Town, Kazimierz and Stradom be excluded from ZSEK?
  12. Why cannot the airport of DFAK (5 mln passengers yearly and 120 planes daily) be build in Ciężkowice (i.e. not so close to Kraków) as it used to be planned? Then the future Silesian Zone of Special Economy would be able to use it, too.
  13. Why does one speak so much about the advantages for the city and its inhabitants since the project says that the profits of the zone will be assigned for its development?

Cracovian Group of the Greens' Federation

GB No. 1, autumn 1989 | Contents