GB No. 12, winter 1994
Green Brigades - Ecologists' Paper
Editors: Piotr Rymarowicz, Laurel Sherwood, Andrzej Żwawa
Layout: Laurel Sherwood, Piotr Rymarowicz
Illustrations: Ewa Kijowska
Printing: TASSO, Smoleńsk 16/1, Kraków, tel. 223459
Submit Articles to: Zielone Brygady, Wydział Chemii UJ, Ingardena 3/100, 30-060 Kraków, Poland tel. (48-12) 336377, ext. 234; tlx. 0322297 UJ PL fax. (48-12) 340515 or 226306 or 216460
E-mail (Internet): NKCH@TRURL.CH.UJ.EDU.PL
account: Foundation for Supporting of Ecological Initiatives - ZB,
Bank Ochrony ¦rodowiska (Bank of Env. Protection) SA O/Kraków, no 630106-105428-132
Deadline for next edition: April 2, 1994
Main sponsors:
U.S. German Marshall Fund Environmental Partnership for Central Europe, Piłsudskiego 74/129, 50-020 Wrocław, tel./fax: (48-71) 316-11
National Fund for Environmental Protection (Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony ¦rodowiska), ul. Wawelska 52/54 Warszawa, tel. (48-22) 250001 ext. 510