GB No. 1(16)/95


The Czorsztyn-Niedzica reservoir is planned to be filled in 1995. Its capacity will reach 240 million of water and its going to cover 1200 ha.

The equalising reservoir in Sromowce Wyżne was watered already in spring 1994 (capacity: 6.3 million m3, surface: 8.6 ha, length: 2 km). According to the company building the dam, "Hydrotest-Kraków" finalising of the scheme requires over ZL 2 billion and 90% of this sum should be invested in sewage-treatment plants in the upper part and the basin of the Dunajec. The infrastructure protecting water of reservoirs in Czorsztyn-Niedzica and Sromowce Wyżne will cost, in 1994 only, at least ZL 100 000 million.

Whether the main reservoir will be filled in 1996 is open to question. There is still much to be done, e.g. demolition of a gravel mine, a brickyard and other buildings around Czorsztyn as well as completing a sewage system. Sewage-treatment plants should be built in Jurgów, Brzegi, Bukowina Tatrzańska, Białka and Nowy Targ and other places.

Just to remind you - building of the dam was started in 1976 and in 1991 the planned date of finalisation was 1995.

Ara, "Wolę być" - Radom + FWZ
based on the Poznaj swój kraj 11/94
reprinted from Zielone Brygady 12/94

GB No. 1(16)/95 | Contents