GB No. 1(16)/95

Five new plants have been classified among the most harmful plants. They are: Silesian Oil Refinery Plant in Czechowice-Dziedzice, Chemical Plant in Tarnowskie Góry, Oil Refinery in Trzebinia, Chemical Plant in Alwernia and the Copper Mining Plant "Rudna" - a part of "Polska Miedź S.A.".


In the beginning of 1990 the Minister of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry publicized a list of 80 plants, which had been causing the greatest environmental nuisance. The press christened them "the 80 polluters" then. Compiling the list was a fact of vast propaganda significance. Those, who had been in the headlines as the forefront of Polish economy for many years, were denounced. Many plants found it astonishing to be on the list and called it a mistake or an irresponsible and petty decision of the environmentalists. However, things soon turned out to be different.

The list was compiled thanks to cooperation between Environmental Protection departments, Provincial Offices and Państwowa Inspekcja Ochrony Środowiska (PIOŚ the State Environmental Protection Inspectorate). The plants which had been denounced questioned the criteria which had put them on the inglorious list proving that the guilt should not have been divided equally and harmful environmental impact of various plants could not be compared. In fact, the institutions which had chosen candidates for that peculiar list established the following criteria: the number (or frequency) of cases of exceeding permissible pollutants concentrations, the degree of nuisance reasons concentration, the location of the plant and pollutant range.

Plants from the list were under special care, which lay in constant and systematic overseeing by supervisors. The polluters were obliged to chart a scheme to reduce their harmful environmental impact. At the same time some priorities for the plants from the list were guaranteed within the criteria of Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (NFOZiGW -the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management), which were applied when applications for preferential credits were being screened. The priorities would include the plants to make ecological investments and would also facilitate fulfilling control recommendations. Tasks which were provided in the project were intended to be carried out for about 4 years. That is why only a short time ago the PIOŚ made a preliminary verification of the list and checked not only whether the founded tasks had been carried out but whether any real effects, that was conformity to environmental protection requirements, had been achieved.

Now, after three years, some of the plants have already reduced their harmful environmental impact (as the PIOŚ had demanded), modernized technologies and introduced suitable protection (e. g. filters, desulphurization plants or treatment plants).

This group of plants includes: "Rejowiec" Cement Plant in Rejowiec Fabryczny, Kaletańskie Cellulose and Paper Plant in Kalety, "Kościuszko" Smelter in Chorzów, "Polfa" Pharmaceutic Plant in Kraków, "Polgraph S.A." in Nowy Sacz, "Chemitex" - Chodakowski Chemical Fiber Plant in Sochaczew, Niedomicki Cellulose Production Plant in Niedomice, Niedomicki Hygienic and Sanitary Materials Plant in Niedomice, Business Services Plant in Niedomice, "Tolpap" Hygienic Paper Production Plant in Włocławek and "Siechnice" Smelter in Siechnice.

Some of the plants have simply disappeared and thus are not harmful any more. This group includes: "Gliwice" Coking Plant in Gliwice, "Bobrek" Carbide Plant in Bytom and Department B of "Polonit" Asbestos Products and Seals Plant in Łódź.

Some of the plants have started to work on ecological projects and invested large funds to carry them out, but achieving perceptible ecological effects, e. g. reducing automobile exhaust emissions, reducing sewage discharge and proper management of waste, is a matter of the future. Besides, the formal and legal status of environmental use may not have been settled yet. In both cases the plants have good chances that, by the end of 1994, after they have adjusted their technologies to ecological requirements they will have dropped out of the list.

The most alarming fact is that there is a group of plants which made light of environmental protection problems and are unable to produce evidence of any progress although 3 from the 4 years provided for carrying out the environmental protection scheme have already passed. Experts from the PIOŚ say that for example "Katowice" Smelter has not carried out more than 10% of the required tasks. The Vice-Minister of Environmental Protection and Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection, Mr. Andrzej Zalewski promised in a recent press conference that in the case of such sluggish polluters he would implement the most restrictive measures (like ordering an immediate shutdown) without demur.

It is estimated that putting a plant on the list of the 80 biggest polluters mobilized for environmental protection activities and has produced perceptible ecological effects. When compared with 1989, those plants have reduced dust emission by about 60% and gas emission by 40%, reduced sewage load, which is measured with ChTZ indicator (Chemical Oxygen Demand), by 70% and reduced the amount of stored waste by about 40%.

These encouraging results caused the PIOŚ to decide to continue the initiative which had been started four years ago. The list of polluters will be systematically completed with new plants which infringed the ecological law and will be verified as soon as the reasons for putting a plant on the list have disappeared.

Krystyna Panek
reprinted from Przegląd Techniczny, 17th July, 1994

Editor's note: Ms. Krystyna Panek is the press representative of the minister of environmental protection.

(30th SEPTEMBER, 1994)


  1. Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (Grodziskie Pharmaceutic Plant "Polfa" in Grodzisk Mazowiecki)
  2. Elektrociepłownia "Siekierki" w Warszawie (Heat and Power Plant "Siekierki" in Warszawa)


  1. Zakłady Chemiczne "Oświęcim" w Oświęcimiu (Chemical Plant "Oświęcim" in Oświęcim)


  1. Janikowskie Zakłady Sodowe "Janiksoda" S.A. w Janikowie (Janikowskie Soda Works "Janiksoda" in Janików)
  2. Zaklady Chemiczne "Organika-Zachem" w Bydgoszczy (Chemical Plant"Organika-Zachem" in Bydgoszcz)
  3. Zakłady Chemiczne "Nitro-Chem" w Bydgoszczy (Chemical Plant "Nitro-Chem" in Bydgoszcz)


  1. Cementownia "Chełm" w Chełmie (Cement Plant "Chełm" in Chełm)


  1. Cementownia "Rudniki" S.A. w Rudnikach (Cement Plant "Rudniki" in Rudniki)
  2. Huta "Częstochowa" w Częstochowie (Smelter "Częstochowa" in Częstochowa)


  1. Gdańskie Zakłady Nawozów Fosforowych "Fosfory" Sp. z o.o. w Gdańsku (Gdańskie Phosphorous Fertilizers Works "Fosfory" in Gdańsk)


  1. Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego "Turów" w Bogatyni (Lignite Mine "Turów" in Bogatynia)
  2. Elektrownia "Turów" w Bogatyni (Power Plant "Turóva'
  3. Zakłady Chemiczne "Wizów" S.A. w Bolesławcu Ślaskim (Chemical Plant "Wizów" in Bolesławiec Slaski)


  1. Zakłady Chemiczne "Hajduki" w Chorzowie (Chemical Plant "Hajduki" in Chorzów)
  2. Kombinat Koksochemiczny "Zabrze"- Koksownia "Knurów" w Knurowie (Coking and Chemical Plant "Zabrze" - Coking Plant "Knurów" in Knurów)
  3. Huta "Katowice" S.A. w Dabrowie Górniczej (Smelter "Katowice" in Dąbrowa Górnicza)
  4. Cementownia "Wiek" w Ogrodzieńcu (Cement Plant "Wiek" in Ogrodzieniec)
  5. Kombinat Koksochemiczny "Zabrze" - Koksownia "Makoszowy" w Zabrzu - Makoszowy (Coking and Chemical Plant "Zabrze" - Coking Plant "Makoszowy"
  6. Zakłady Koksownicze "Przyjaźń" w Dabrowie Górniczej (Coking and Chemical Plant "Przyjaźń" in Dąbrowia Górnicza)
  7. Elektrownia "Rybnik" w Rybniku (Power Plant "Rybnik" in Rybnik)
  8. Huta "Łaziska" w Łaziskach Górnych (Smelter "Łaziska" in Łaziska Górne)
  9. Elektrownia "Łaziska" w Łaziskach Górnych (Power Plant "Łaziska" in Łaziska Górne)
  10. Elektrownia "Siersza" w Trzebini (Power Plant "Siersza" in Trzebina)
  11. Elektrownia "Łagisza" w Będzinie (Power Plant "Łagisza" in Będzin)
  12. Elektrownia "Jaworzno III" w Jaworznie (Power Plant "Jaworzno III" in Jaworzno)
  13. Kopalnia Węgla Kamiennego "Czeczott" w Woli (Coal Mine "Czeczott" in Wola)
  14. Kopalnia Węgla Kamiennego "Piast" w Bieruniu (Coal Mine "Piast" in Bieruń)]
  15. Kopalnia Węgla Kamiennego "Ziemowit" w Tychach (Coal Mine "Ziemowit" in Tychy)
  16. Huta "Bobrek" w Bytomiu (Smelter "Bobrek" in Bytom)
  17. Huta Cynku "Miasteczko Ślaskie" w Tarnowskich Górach (Zinc Smelter "Miasteczko Ślaskie" in Tarnowskie Góry)
  18. Zakłady Górniczo-Hutnicze "Bolesław" w Bukownie (Zakłady Górniczo-Hutnicze "Bolesław" in Bukowno)
  19. Zakłady Chemiczne "Organika- Azot" w Jaworznie

    (Chemical Plant "Organika-Azot" in Jaworzno)

  20. Ślaskie Zakłady Rafineryjne w Czechowicach Dziedzicach (Ślaskie Zakłady Rafineryjne in Czechowice-Dziedzice)
  21. Zakłady Chemiczne "Tarnowskie Góry" w Tarnowskich Górach (Chemical Plant "Tarnowskie Góry" in Tarnowskie Góry)
  22. Rafneria Nafty w Trzebini (Oil Refnery Plant in Trzebinia)


  1. Zaklady Cementowo-Wapiennicze "Nowiny" w Sitkówce k/Kielc (Lime and Cement Plant "Nowiny" in Sitkówka near Kielce)


  1. Huta Aluminium "Konin" S.A. w Koninie (Aluminium Smelter "Konin" in Konin)
  2. Elektrownia "Konin" w Koninie (Power Plant "Konin" in Konin)


  1. Krakowskie Zakłady Sodowe w Krakowie w likwidacji (Krakowskie Soda Works in Kraków closing down)
  2. Kombinat Metalurgiczny Huta im. T. Sendzimira w Krakowie (Steel Works Huta im. T. Sendzimira in Kraków)
  3. Zakłady Chemiczne S.A. w Alwerni (Chemical Plant in Alwernia)


  1. KGHM "Polska Miedź" S.A. Oddział- Huta Miedzi "Legnica" w Legnicy (Copper Mining Corporation "Polska Miedź" Branch - Copper Mine "Legnica" in Legnica)
  2. KGHM "Polska Miedź" S.A. Oddział - Huta Miedzi "Głogów I" w Żukowicach (Copper Mining Corporation "Polska Mied' Branch - Huta Miedzi "Głogów I" in Żukowice)
  3. KGHM "Polska Miedź" S.A. Oddział- ZG "Rudna" (Copper Mining Corporation "Polska Miedź" Branch ZG "Rudna")


  1. Fabryka Samochodów w Lublinie (Car Factory in Lublin)
  2. Zakłady Azotowe "Puławy" S.A. w Pulawach (Nitrates Works "Puławy" in Puławy)


  1. Zakłady Przemysłu Barwników "Boruta" S.A. w Zgierzu (Dye Industry Works "Boruta" in Zgierz)


  1. Huta "Katowice" S.A., Zakłady Koksownicze w Zdzieszowicach (Smelter "Katowice", Coking Plant in Zdzieszowice)
  2. Zakłady Chemiczne "Blachownia" w KędzierzynieKożlu (Chemical Plant "Blachownia" in KędzierzynKoźle)
  3. Zakłady Azotowe "Kędzierzyn" S.A. w Kędzierzynie Koźlu (Nitrate Works "Kędzierzyn" in Kędzierzyn Koźle)


  1. "Intercell" Sp. z o.o. w Ostrołęce ("Intercell" in Ostrołęka)


  1. Elektrownia "Bełchatów" w Rogowcu (Power Plant "Bełchatów" in Rogowiec)
  2. Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego "Bełchatów z/s w Rogowcu (Lignite Mine "Bełchatów" in Rogowiec)
  3. Zakłady Włókien Chemicznych "Wistom" w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim (Synthetic Fibers Works "Wistom" in Tomaszów Mazowiecki)


  1. Mazowieckie Zakłady Rafineryjne i Petrochemiczne S.A. w Płocku (Mazowieckie Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Works in Płock)


  1. Poznańskie Zakłady Chemiczne im. dr Romana Maya w Luboniu (Poznańskie Chemical Works of dr Roman May in Luboń)


  1. Rzeszowskie Zakłady Lamp Wyładowczych "Polam Rzeszów" w Pogwizdowie Nowym w likwidacji (Rzeszowskie Fluorescent Lamps Works "Polam Rzeszów" w Pogwizdów Nowy closing down)


  1. Zakłady Chemiczne "Police" w Policach k/Szczecina (Chemical Plant "Police" in Police near Szczecin)
  2. Zakłady Włókien Chemicznych "Chemitex-Wiskord" w Szczecinie (Synthetic Fibers Works "Chemitex-Wiskord" in Szczecin)


  1. Kopalnie i Zakłady Przetwórstwa Siarki "Siarkopol" w Tarnobrzegu (Sulphur Mines and Reprocessing Works "Siarkopol" in Tarnobrzeg)
  2. Kopalnia Siarki "Machów" w Tarnobrzegu closing down (Sulphur Mine "Machów" in Tarnobrzeg closing down)
  3. Elektrownia im. T. Kościuszki w Połańcu (Power Plant of T. Kościuszko in Połaniec)
  4. Elektrownia "Stalowa Wola" w Stalowej Woli (Power Plant "Stalowa Wola" in Stalowa Wola)
  5. Kopalnie i Zakłady Chemiczne Siarki "Siarkopol" w Grzybowie (Sulphur Mines and Chemical Works "Siarkopol" in Grzybów)


  1. Zakłady Azotowe S.A. w Tarnowie (Nitrate Works in Tarnów)
  2. Zakłady Tworzyw Sztucznych "Erg" S.A. w Pustkowie (Synthetic Fibers Works "Erg" in Pustków)


  1. Toruńskie Zakłady Przemysłu Nieorganicznego "Polchem" w Toruniu (Toruńskie Inorganic Industry Works "Polchem" in Toruń)


  1. Zakłady Koksownicze "Wałbrzych" w Wałbrzychu w likwidacji (Coking Plant "Walbrzych" in Wałbrzych closing down)
  2. Kopalnia Węgla Kamiennego "Victoria" - w likwidacji Elektrocieplownia w Wałbrzychu (Coal Mine "Victoria" closing down - Heat and Power Plant in Wałbrzych)


  1. Zakłady Papiernicze we Włocławku (Paper Works in Włocławek)
  2. Zakłady Azotowe S.A. we Włocławku (Nitrate Works in Włocławek)


  1. Zakłady Chemiczne "Rokita" S.A. w Brzegu Dolnym (Chemical Plant "Rokita" in Brzeg Dolny)
  2. "Hutmen" S.A. we Wrocławiu ("Hutmen" in Wrocław)
  3. Zakłady Chemiczne "Viscoplast" S.A. we Wrocławiu (Chemical Plant "Viscoplast" in Wrocław)

GB No. 1(16)/95 | Contents