GB No. 3(18)/95


The Parsęta Lovers Association in Białogard appeals for help in protecting the Parsęta against its devastation. The most beautiful river of Pomorze is endangered by numerous poachers as well as the scheme promoted by the Union of Towns and Villages of the Parsęta Basin. The Union plans to build six storage reservoirs: two on the Parsęta, the fifth on the river Radwia and the sixth on the Mogilica in the village of Lipie.

The above mentioned scheme creates many hazards for the local natural environment, namely:

The Parsęta Lovers Association suggests the following ways of managing the basin:

The Society gathers mainly citizens of Koszalin voivodship and as an only organisation it has been dealing with protecting the Parsęta and its basin against further devastation and poaching in the area.

We count on the support of the Polish Angling Union, the Nature Protection League, the Fund for Environmental Protection, of other environmentalist organisations and funds and, first of all, of the scientific circles.

We hope that our appeal will meet with interest not only of the press and the problem will be thoroughly studied. We also believe that all people who care for the Parsęta and its basin will come into contact with our Society. Your support for our appeal will help to prevent the Parsęta from the disaster that happened to the Dunajec and other Polish rivers.

on behalf of the Board
Chairman Andrzej Wolkowski

Our address:

Towarzystwo Miłosników Parsęty
the Parsęta Lovers Association
Klub Osiedlowy BSM
Wojska Polskiego 13
78 - 200 Białogard
translated by Małgorzata Maciejewska

reprinted from Zielone Brygady 7/94

GB No. 3(18)/95 | Contents