GB No. 4(19)/95


In July, 1995 two cases, connected with denying substitute military service by the District Recruitment Commission (WKP - Wojewódzka Komisja Poborowa), carried on in the Superior Administrative Court (NSA - Naczelny S±d Administracyjny) in Poznań. Both people asked the 'Objector' Society for legal assistance and, unfortunately, both applications were rejected. Eventually, the objectors are threatened with being conscripted. Łukasz Nowicki, one of the objectors, has declared that he would not submit to the WKP's decision. He is also going to appeal against the NSA's verdict.

First of all, the court did not take into account that the document presented by WKP was falsified. According to the Penal Code, members of WKP can be punished for the deed with a prison sentence from 6 months to 5 years. In spite of the recruit's application, the court refused to investigate this matter and to question any witnesses.

The numerous infringements on the part of both Region and District Recruitment Commissions and the NSA's oversight are an example of victimisation of objectors. The above-mentioned institutions either break the law or interpret it to people's disadvantage. Although 2-3 years ago the NSA won several cases and recruitment commissions have become more careful, they still protect not people's rights but only their own interests. The lavishly propagated idea of 'the state of law' is not supported here. The commission's' attitude is a form of repression, which should be named and slammed and should raise a storm of protests.

Andrzej Jastrz±b Międzynarodowe Centrum Sztuki
(The International Art Centre)
Jackowskiego 5/7
60-508 Poznań
tel/fax 48/61/483777, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

reprinted from Zielone Brygady 10/95
translated by J. Iwański

GB No. 4(19)/95 | Contents