GB No. 4, spring 1991


The National Environmental Societies Trust (NEST) serves as an umbrella organization for all environmental non-government organizations in our island.

We are presently involved in the following activities:

We would like to be given details of your training courses and whether you would be able to assist us financially, to cover cost of traveling, etc. in order for us to attend your courses.

We look forward to your early reply and thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,

Winston McCalla
P.O.Box. 1468
Kingston 8
tel. # 92-96570 & 96571
fax # 92-25798

* * * * *

In view of our soon-to-begin projects on "Environmental Information & Education", as reported in The Network Newsletter, we have decided that our programmes officer, Mr. Zachee NZOHNGANDEMBOU proceeds to do a threemonths course on "Media Production and Environmental Management at Brighton Polytechnic, England.

The course organized in association with Ian MacDonald and Associates runs from July 8 to September 28, 1991 and costs 6500 pounds sterling excluding airfare and pocket allowance. We would probably appreciate, we cannot afford the costs. We are therefore requesting you to assist us with the funds or help find a sponsor.

We strongly believe the course would broaden his professional and personal horizons, but more importantly, it would enable CERUT realize its noble objectives more effectively. Below is the address for the programme, should you require further information. In fact, we shall appreciate that you send the money directly to the course organizers who would be very willing to make necessary arrangements for our candidate:

The Courses Administrator,
Ian MacDonald & Associates Ltd;
12 Church Road,
Hove, East Sussex,
BN3 2F1

We entreat you to treat this request with utmost sympathy and kindness. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Isaac Epie (B.Sc; Dip. Educ. Ph.D)
Executive Secretary
Centre for the Environment and Rural
P.O.Box. 137 Bamenda

GB No. 4, spring 1991 | Contents