GB No. 5-6, summer-fall 1991
Despite ever increasing protests the dam in Czorsztyn in the Pieniny Mountains in Poland has been under construction since 1968. Since 1989 young ecologists and anarchists have organized blockades of the dam. A geological catastrophe threatens to destroy Pieniny National Park's historical relics (castles from the Middle Ages, manor houses, churches traditional building and exceptionally interesting villages) and valuable natural elements.
There is no rational reason for building the dam. Intellectuals oppose the dam, among them are numerous wellknown scientists.
This year's blockade started on
July 1. The police action was exceptionally brutal. It was an extreme
show of force and power. The following
damages occurred from this strong arming: the injuries as of July 4: a
girl with a concussion, a boy with a
damaged kidney. The courts have thus
far imposed fines of 20.000 -
1.000.000 zloty ($ 2 - 100. The average monthly wage in Poland is less than
$ 150 per family, and most of these
people have no money). It would be
helpful if you would like to collect
and send (bring) documents and information about other dams, river regulations, etc., and about the figha
gainst them, in your country and in
the world. Also, we are in great need
of material and financial help to organize the protest actions.
WE REQUEST HELP through the picketing and blockade of Polish Embassies. Please spread this information.
members of the blockade in Czorsztyn
At the end of September the direct actions in Czorsztyn were suspended, however, You can arrive in Czorsztyn - to see the dam and destruction - going in direction to Kraków, and from Kraków to Nowy Targ (about 80 km to the south of Kraków) by bus/traincar, and from Nowy Targ to Czorsztyn in direction to Szczawnica (about 20 km to the east of Nowy Targ, turn in village Kluszkowce) by bus or by car.
About processings against the dam you can read in "The day after communism.." by Andrzej Żwawa.