GB No. 8, summer 1992


Please find enclosed a photograph taken (out of necessity, in a clandestine manner) in a concentration camp for animals - officially named ZOOPARK - in St.Petersburg.

Although I do not think that anyone in Poland would be really keen to know what is going on in the Russian ZOOs, I still hope that somewhere out there in the civilized and rich Western countries there is some sort of organization, like there is Amnesty International for the human prisoners of conscience, to which this report should be passed on.

The ZOO in St.Petersburg is a virtual animal hell. The ravens had been put in a cage so small, they could not fly (3m x 3m x 2m) and they had nowhere to hide in the 35 C heatwave either. Should anyone think that the Warsaw white bears might be a bit short of space in their well appointed digs by the Trasa W-Z (East-West thoroughfare), the home of their Russian cousins looks like a high security prison camp in comparison. Not even one animal in that ZOO looked normal, all of them appeared apathetic and depressed. The lions' cages were visibly infested with rats. Hardly any cages had runs and even when that rudimental facility was actually available, it would always be paved over (buffalo!). It all made a really depressing sight. I am afraid, that apart from sending this letter there is not much I can personally do about the plight of the animals in the St.Petersburg ZOO. Should anyone want to come over on a fact-finding mission though, I will be quite happy to offer that person my personal assistance (inclusive of arranging all necessary permits, providing a professional interpreter and an accommodation in the city).

Natalia Zakrzewska-Sobczak
Konopnickiej 3/5
05-501 Zalesie Dolne
tel. 56-72-47

ZB 11/92
transl. by Sigullum Ltd.

GB No. 8, summer 1992 | Contents