Legal system in Ukraine
In the Ukraine, the legal basis for environmental protection is being created, yet the detailed laws are delayed by the time-consuming procedure. The laws on air pollution and flora and fauna protection have been passed. The red list of endangered species exist. Like in Poland, enterprises should pay taxes and fines for causing pollution. The severity of these fines and taxes depends on the quantity of emitted toxic substances. The "Polluter pays" principle is being recognized.
There are special laws for environmentally endangered regions. A decree on recultivation was issued recently.
Unfortunately, the laws are not really being implemented effectively. The polluters are unwilling to pay and the authorities have problems with executing their rights.
One of the basic conditions for the improvement of the environment is the monitoring system. Such a system is being planned by the Ministry for Environmental Protection. It is to be based on the data collected throughout the country by civil service and the army.
Another reason for the inefficiency of the legal system is the lack of public pressure. Information on the scale of the contamination of the environment has not been published and access to it is difficult.