born 1968 in Wadowice (Poland)
e-mail: zb [at] skype: andrzej.zwawa
graduated from the Technical College of Chemistry in Oświęcim (thesis on environmental protection at the Chemical Plant in Oświęcim), began studies at the Jagiellonian University (first chemistry, later transferred to religious sciences)
participated in WWF training „Creation and management of organizations”
participated in editors’ training on legal aspects of non-governmental publishing conducted by BORDO and the Cooperation Fund, took part in training on publishing marketing, prepared by Book Marketing Research
attended training for webmasters conducted by Klon/Jawor
took part in workshops on Low Cost Capital conducted by the Strohalm Foundation in Utrecht and Warsaw
took part in workshop No Place Like Home in Findhorn Foundation (Scotland)
Professional experience
came into contact with the Eco-Peace Movement „Wolę być” and Movement „Wolność i Pokój”, organized local branch of „Wolę być” (Kęty-Oświęcim), participated in activities of „Wolę być” Silesia branch, organized meeting of „Wolę być” in Oświęcim
began working in the group „Ecology and Peace” in Kraków, took part in antidam protest, blockade of building of the Żarnowiec nuclear plant, traffic and antimilitary campaigns
co-founded the monthly „Zielone Brygady” at the Chemists’ Association of the Jagiellonian University and the Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives ((where he was member of Council, Board and plenipotentiary of Board), began cooperating with the Anarchists’ Federation, the Polish Movement of the Friends of the Indians, Esperanto organizations and others
1989-94, & 1997
edited the quarterly "Green Brigades. The Ecologists' Paper"
collaborated with the editors of the Polish Society of Mental Hygiene magazine „STOP”
collaborated with the editors of magazine „Wyspa”
editor-in-chief of the monthly „Zielone Brygady”
since 1993
has edited the series Biblioteka „Zielonych Brygad” (about 40 books and brochures), has edited and composed many other publications at the „Zielone Brygady” Publishing House, began work in Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives as a plenipotentiary of the Board regarding the „Zielone Brygady” Publishing House
since 1996
member of the Programme Council of the Workshop for All Beings
has been working on the server and (as plenipotentiary of the Board of the Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives)
since 2001
member of the Environmental Protection Publicists’ Association „Ekos”
chosen a member of a community group working on formulating objectives for „Supporting Activities of Ecological Non-governmental Organizations” program for the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
again member of the Board of the Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives
coordinator of projects FWIE: Fairtrade in Krakow, Polish NGO professionalisation activities of Fair Trade and the "Coalition of Malopolska POE"
since 2008
coordinator of the "Green Economic Initiative" (a partnership for environmental performance of small and micro-enterprises in Krakow and partnerships to support the adaptation and modernization processes in the ecological sector in Krakow). Works with the Association of Polish Green Network, among others on projects on ethical consumption and food sovereignty.
Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives representative of the Coalition for the Polish environmentalists and the Association of Polish Green Network
Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives representative of the Fair Trade Coalition
carries on business under the name Eco-eco
since 2010
member of the Board of Governors BioCert Lesser Poland Sp. z o.o. Begin working with the Design Office of UNDP
since 2011
coordinator of the international project of the Union of Associations Polish Green Network "Educating a sustainable and Responsible management of the forests in the world" and a nationwide project "Environmental education of consumers on sustainable forest management". Coordinator of the Green Gate server of the Foundation for Sustainable Development. Partner of the campaign Make Fruit Fair
member of the Steering Committee of the Fair Trade Coalition and President of the Foundation "Fair Trade Coalition"
since 2016
carries on business under the name ProCert
since 2018
member of the Grupa Zagranica Revisory Committee
1993appointed by prof. Stefan Kozłowski to the Ecological Committee of President Lech Wałęsa
awarded silver prize of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry for working for the environment
became Nominee of Honour of the Ashoka-Poland Foundation
appointed to the Team of Experts on Financing Environmental Education by the Minister of Environmental Protection
awarded medal for contributing to nature preservation and shaping the environment by the League for Nature Protection