Magnus Bein
Vancouver, British Columbia
November 19, 2000
Jadwiga Lopata and Richard Richadson
International Coalation to Protect Polish Countryside (ICPPC)
Stryszow, Poland
Dear Jadwiga and Richard,
Attached is a two page statement
on the importance of protecting
Polish countryside. The statement is meant to show support for
ICPPC, Polish farmers, and Poland. I write from a Western Canadian
perspective and having witnessed Polish folk and country.
I am affiliated with a number of organizations including FarmFolk/CityFolk
and EcoCafe. The organizations empathize with Polish farmers and
are supportive of Poland choosing a sustainable and just food
Please notify me if there is anything else I may provide.
Yours truly,
Magnus Bein
The address of FARMFOLK/CITYFOLK Society is:
The address of ECOCAFE Sustainability Society is:
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